
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Secret Passage

Illustration for an upcoming comic book project.

Drawn on April 2014

Zombicide - Extension


My friends and I recently started playing Zombicide.
It's a really fun game, but unfortunately it cannot be played by more
than 6 players at the time, unless you buy some extensions.
So i'm working on making an extension for all 8 of us.

There's real details in the bios, but by regards to their privacy
I'd like to mention that most of it is fictional.
Sort of.

Drawn on April 2014



Concept art for an upcoming comic book project.

Now there's a friendly looking family.
I did not draw them in chronological order, but I saved the original for last.

Drawn in February 2014

Halo Theory

Remake of an old strip.
To this day, I stand by this theory.

Original strip from 2010: 

Why Joker needs Harley

Inspired by an argument with my girlfriend back in 2009.
Taught me the following:
You don't need the applause of a crowd t feel appreciated.
You just need the smile of that one person.

Drawn for Valentine's day 2014

Chucky VS Jason

Based on an old sketch from 2008
Here's also the step-by-step process:

Monster University Meme

Meme created by Toxic-dolls on deviantART

Drawn on November 22nd 2013

How To Arts

Meme created by Oxboxer on deviantART

Drawn on December 3rd 2013

Alternative Mascots

Concept art for a 3D Mascot

Drawn in November 2013

HowTo - Dora the Explorer

"Ouvre bien l'oeil et repère l'intrus qui s'est glissé
dans le groupe de Dora l'Exploratrice."
"Prend une paire de ciseaux et découpe les silhouettes
de Dora et Babouche en suivant bien les pointillés
(pense à demander la permission à tes parents avant d'utiliser les ciseaux)."
"Laquelle de ces trois ombres est celle
de Dora et de son ami Chipeur ?"
"Dora semble indécise. Aide-la à choisir quel article
de ce sympathique marchant lui conviendrait le mieux
(il lui assure qu'ils sont tous à sa taille)."
"Au détour d'un chemin, Dora l'Exploratrice rencontre
un panneau qu'elle n'est pas sûr de comprendre.
Quelle traduction choisirais-tu de lui donner ?"
"Dans quel sens faut-il tirer le levier pour permettre
à Dora de faire trempette dans cette cuve d'acide
qui sent bon la souffrance ?"

Extrait de HowToKill n°2,
un fanzine que j'ai co-créé et publié par Brainwashers Edition.

Drawn on October 27, 2013

Depth - Concept Arts


Concept arts for a video game project.

Depth - Splitscreen

Commissioned for a video game currently under development.

Drawn on October 12, 2013

3D Mascot

Character Design for a 3D Mascot

Drawn on October 5th 2013

Two Brands of Evil

Concept art for an upcoming comic book project.

Drawn on September 24th 2013